For the past four months the amazing WordPress Polyglots team has been busy arranging Global WordPress Translation Day – a WordPress contributor day solely focused on translating WordPress and understanding the processes behind software internationalization and localization.
The event has multiple layers and aims to entertain and educate. Its main objective is to bring more people on board to help WordPress get to more people around the world.
WordPress is available for translation in 162 languages and the core project is 100% translated to 54 of them and more than 50% translated to 36. Another 72 locales are in progress or early development.

Thirty-seven contributor days have been planned in different cities around the world and 11 more are organised remotely. Countries like India, Japan, Italy, Germany and Greece have multiple events going on in several different cities.
Everyone willing to participate can tune in online in the #Polyglots Slack channel and get help translating their favorite plugins, themes or WordPress itself.
Wonder if there’s an event near you? See the map and find out. But if there isn’t one, don’t worry – the team will be available to help you get started on the Polyglots Slack channel and Online during live sessions thanks to Crowdcast.

Sharing knowledge: 24 hours of live streaming sessions on i18n & L10n
Starting at 0:00 UTC on April 24th, there will be 24 live sessions, one starting each hour, focused on translating WordPress or preparing your products for translation. Each session will be recorded and available to watch whenever you decide to join the streaming. The content is focused on helping translation contributors but also plugin and theme authors, who want to add their products to the official WordPress repository and have them available for translation at
Live sessions for translators
Learn about the tools and best practices when translating WordPress. Meet the Polyglots team and learn how to become a contributor. Meet some of the most experienced WordPress translation editors and attend online tutorials about translating WordPress in your own language.
Online instructions for translating will be available in English, Japanese, Hindi, Bulgarian, Slovak, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Lithuanian, Italian, Dutch, Swedish and Spanish as spoken in Venezuela.
What if your language is not available yet? You can request it and become a translation editor yourself.
Live sessions for developers
How to create a translation community around your plugins and themes? How to prepare them for translating and how to get them added to, where 5000 people are already translating every day?
How do WordPress language packs work? What is the future of the translation management platform of WordPress and is WordPress core going multilingual?
You can find all these answers in the several i18n sessions we have in store for you from experienced plugin developers and WordPress core contributors – WordPress 4.6 release lead and Polyglots technical lead Dominik Schilling, WordPress core developer and 4.1 release lead John Blackbourn, Claudio Sanches, author of more than 40 plugins in the plugin repository.
More than 1200 people have signed up to take part in the event – whether by attending local events, remote events or watching live sessions. Attendees (so far) represent 105 countries all over the world.
See you there!
P.S. The WordPress Global Translation Day Live Streaming is inspired by the amazing work of Scott Basgaard on WordSesh. Thank you for all your help, advice and support.