Early Bird Venezia. Pro tip: Do 8 to 10 am when the streets are still empty & the city… https://www.swarmapp.com/c/bZrw0DLyDxR http://t.co/iFFczWE8vQ
Found a great venue for…
Found a great venue for a Venezia #WordPress meetup! Who wants to organise it ;) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/kXwmajb8VFq http://t.co/mnkUCJrPeT
Goodbye, #Austria! Goodbye, Monday……
Goodbye, #Austria! Goodbye, Monday… #HMRoadtrip (@ Auen in Velden, Aut w/ @sanchothefat) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/7rsb64H9NJ8 http://t.co/0ENk9ou62V
A slight detour for dinner…
A slight detour for dinner #HMRoadtrip (@ Wörthersee in Klagenfurt, Kärnten w/ @sanchothefat) https://www.swarmapp.com/c/9EEn8lSjE8M http://t.co/sOr4CUEpXA
RT @johnbillion: Slack is having…
RT @johnbillion: Slack is having some really positive unintended consequences for WordPress. It just helped us coordinate this: https://t.c…
RT @humanmadeltd: “Yo dawg I…
RT @humanmadeltd: “Yo dawg I heard you like attachments so I made a plugin that lets you attach attachments to your attachments” https://t.…
RT @miss_jwo: Refuel! #hmroadtrip #austria…
RT @miss_jwo: Refuel! #hmroadtrip #austria http://t.co/0Ft8wLqyTC
Next #HMRoadtrip Who’s in? @humanmadeltd…
Next #HMRoadtrip Who's in? @humanmadeltd http://t.co/NadZyqjw2W
5 more days to submit…
5 more days to submit to host #WCEU '16. It's the ultimate adventure. You should go for it. http://europe.wordcamp.org/2015/call-for-applications-to-organise-wordcamp-europe-2016-closes-in-5-days/ http://t.co/TivWKTaAFI
RT @dmsnell23: Pure gratitude to…
RT @dmsnell23: Pure gratitude to awesome bunch from @humanmadeltd who welcomed me into their tribe. #HMroadtrip http://t.co/LIt9CBSQ4B